AlAhli Prepaid Card

Easily control how much you spend locally and internationally with the AlAhli Prepaid Card. Simply pre-deposit funds from your current account and enjoy more control over your finances.
Travel and Lifestyle Benefits

Enjoy a safer travel experience with an AlAhli Prepaid Card by only carrying the money you need.

Travel & Lifestyle Benefits
  • Worldwide acceptance at over 32 million retailers.
  • Instant cash from all ATMs across the globe.
  • Use your loyalty points to book airline tickets or make hotel reservations.

Auto Top-Up Service
Auto Top-Up is a service that allows SNB Prepaid cardholders to automatically top-up their prepaid card balance based on the selected method. 

Auto Top-Up Methods:
Automatically when the card balance drops below a set threshold 
Automatically recurring weekly/monthly Top-Up


Free of charge
Completely digital experience
Can be activated/deactivated instantly
Minimizes transaction declines due to insufficient balance on Prepaid Cards for planned expenses/subscriptions
Provides flexibility in managing monthly payments

How to activate the service:

Directly through AlAhliOnline Website or SNBMobile App

Prepaid Card Tiers
     Card Tier AlAhli Prepaid Card with an exclusive Saudi National Team edition AlAhli Prepaid Card - Platinum Tier
 Card design
 Issuance Fee Free  200 SAR
 Annual Fee Free  200 SAR
 International Cash Withdrawal Fee 30 SAR for each international cash withdrawal  30 SAR for each international cash withdrawal
 Foreign Exchange Fee Up to 2.75%  Up to 2.75%
 Account Statement Issuance Fee (upon request) 10 SAR per account statement  10 SAR per account statement
 Lost Card Replacement Fee 50 SAR  50 SAR
 Daily Limit 20,000 SAR per transaction, 5,000 SAR for cash withdrawal  20,000 SAR per transaction, 5,000 SAR for cash withdrawal
 LAK Reward 1 point for every 2 SAR spent locally, 1 point for every 2 SAR spent internationally  1 point for every 1.5 SAR spent locally, 2 points for every 1.5 SAR spent internationally
What you need to qualify
To qualify, you must be a resident of the Kingdom

Saudis must be 15 years or above, non-Saudis must be 18 years or above

Digital Banking

Make banking quicker and easier when you use the SNB Mobile app. View your balances, make payments, apply for accounts, and more.

Annual Percentage Rates 

View all the calculations and pricings for our finance and savings products.