The Saudi National Bank announces its Board of Directors resolution to accept the resignation of Mr. Talal Ahmed Al khereiji as the acting CEO of the Bank, effective from 30 April 2024 due to his personal circumstances. The Board expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Talal Al khereiji for his efforts during his career with the Bank which lasted for more than twenty years and wish him all the best and continued success in his new endeavors.

Moreover, The Saudi National Bank also announces its Board of Directors resolution to appoint Mr. Tareq Abdulrahman Al Sadhan as the CEO of the Bank, effective from 1 May 2024, noting the Non-Objection from The Saudi Central Bank has been obtained.

Mr. Tareq Al Sadhan has more than 25 years of experience in the public and private sectors, which includes auditing and taxes businesses, administrative and financial consultancies, and banking operations. He has held numerous leaderships positions in multiple organizations, the last of which was the Chief Executive Officer for Riyad Bank. He holds a Master's degree in Executive Business Administration from the Ecole Nationale Des Ponts University in France, Bachelor Degree in the field of Accounting from King Saud University, in addition to the Saudi Organization for Chartered and Professional Accountants fellowship, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants fellowship.